High turnout at the MicrE regional seminar in Oulu
The conference center of POHTO in Oulu was the stage for a biogas seminar, which was organized by MicrE project and BioG project of the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAPS) in February. The freezing temperatures of 20 degrees below Celsius presented a challenge for the organisers, but still about 50 biogas enthusiasts were not put off by the cold weather and took part in the event. The purpose of the seminar was to offer up to date information about biogas plants, everything from planning of such units to the use of the end product. The participants included farmers, researchers and other persons involved in the energy sector.
The event was opened by Eva Pongrácz from NorTech and Katariina Keikko from OUAPS, and then the floor was given to Mr Kalevi Hiivala from the local Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment. The topic of his presentation was the support instruments and financing sources, which are available for the builders of biogas plants. He was followed by Mr Timo Heusala from ELBio, the “Grand Old Man” of biogas plants in the region. He has been involved in building of biogas plants for several decades and he told about the essentials of building and operating biogas plants. |
The largest conference room at POHTO served as the venue for the MicrE regional seminar on 16th of February |
After the lunch it was time to focus on permissions and security issues. Mr Toni Taavitsainen from Envitecpolis enlightened the audience about the permissions and regulations, which have to be taken into account in the planning and building of a biogas plants as well as in its operations. Our very own Auli Turkki from MicrE continued after this with her presentation about the purification of biogas. Auli told about the purification process of the gas and also about the related research carried out at the University Oulu, including the plans to build a biogas purification unit.
After that it was only natural that the use of the biogas itself was discussed. One possibility was presented by Mr Jarmo Saariniemi, who showcased the biogas car owned and operated by Vocational College Lapponia. This raised plenty of interest especially among the male participants of the seminar, and Jarmo had to answer endless questions regarding the car. |
The biogas car presented by Jarmo Saariniemi from the Vocational College of Lappia proved to be a hit among the participants |
The day was closed with something completely different, a presentation about coal gas. Juhani Kantomaa and Antero Kumpumäki from Gasek Oy introduced the listeners to the basics of coal gas and to the coal gas production unit, which the company has developed.
The audience was very satisfied with the presentations and actively engaged the lecturerers in discussions. Some of the farmers had already an own biogas plant either under construction or in planning phase, and they together with the rest of the participants welcomed the extra information, which they received during the seminar.
The seminar programme together with the material distributed to the participants during the event can be found here in Finnish.
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